Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wednesday, January 23 - Matthew 8

Wednesday, January 23 - Matthew 8.
One of the ways Matthew tries to show that Jesus is the Messiah is through the miracles Jesus performs. That Jesus is God is revealed through his power to heal, to command the forces of nature, and to expel the forces of the devil.
8:1-13: What do these two examples of faith teach us about Jesus? What is the relationship between God's great power and the faith which receives it?
8:5-13 The centurion who comes to ask Jesus for help is a foreigner; in fact, the Romans might be considered an enemy of the Jews. Why might Matthew have recorded this healing of the servant of an enemy? What does this say about how we should be toward those who are outside our community and whom we might consider enemies?
8:21-22 Jesus may seem insensitive to the disciple who wishes to bury his father, but it seems like the father may not have been dead yet. Jesus is saying that commitment to faith and discipleship must come first. What kinds of things might a Christian today have to leave behind to be part of His work?
8:23-34 What storms in your life has Jesus calmed? What current turbulence iin your life can you ask Jesus to silence even now?
8:28-34: Demon possession appears to be very real according to the New Testament. How might a person become possessed? What does this section show us about Jesus' power over the forces of evil and His desire to bring cleansing to those who have fallen?

1 comment:

  1. 8:5-13 Love your enemies, do not judge, ask and it will be given to you, I tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Isael with such great faith


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