Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Thursday, February 28 - Mark 6

Thursday, February 28 - Mark 6

Mark's gtospel is written primarily to the Romans, the most powerful empire in the world at the time of Christ.  The Romans would be impressed with the power of Jesus, as Mark fcuses on His miracles and authoritative teachings.

What qualities or charateristics of Jesus do you find in these narratives?  Would these impress the citizens of the great Roman Empire?  What do they say to you?

6:1-6    The question about Jesus being a carpenter implies that a common worker could not have anything of value to say on his own.   Do you agree?  Have you known any common workers who had faith-building gifts to share?

6:7-11   Why did Jesus send the disciples in pairs?   Why do you think He told them to take nothing for the journey?  What lesson would they learn from this?  How might this apply to Christian congregations/

6:14-29    John the Baptist lost his head for preaching the law to Herod and Herodius.  Why do people get angry at the law of God and the ones who proclaim it?   Have you ever been mad at God's desires when they came in conflict with yours?

6:30-44   Why do you think Jesus created leftovers (v. 43)?  What did He teach the crowds by performing this incredible miracle?  What might they do with their leftovers in the future?

6:45ff     "Take courage, it is I."   Jesus enters the scene in a startling way.  Have you ever seen an impossible situation in front of you and found comfort in words like these?  When?

Wednesday, February 27 - Mark 5

Wednesday, February 27 - Mark 5

Sorry for the delay in today's posting.  The snow got the better of me.  :)

Mark uses words like immediately more than 40 times in his gospel.  Mark feels great immediacy about conveying the good news of Jesus to his readers.

What qualities or characteristics of Jesus do you find in these narratives of some of his miracles?  Do those qualities fit your image of Jesus?

The miracles of Jesus show His power with forces over which we seem powerless.  List those things over with Jesus is Lord in each passage:



5:21-24;  35-43

5:18-19 Do Jesus' words to this man surpirse you? Why or why not? To what friend or family member is Jesus telling you to go? What things has the Lord done for you that you will tell this person?

5:34-36   What do Jesus' words in each of these verses suggest to you?  When have you trusted Jesus with physical needs?  What led you to put your faith in Hi?  What healing did you receive from Him?

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tuesday, February 26 - Mark 4

Tuesday February 26th- Mark 4


4:1-20        Verse 12 says that Jesus speaks intentionally in parables. Jesus ministry is primarily to save the lost, but is there another purpose as indicated in these verses?


This is one of the few parables that Jesus explains. What is the importance of this parable, that it requires an explanation of this kind?

4:21-25     In what ways do we put our light under bowls today?

Verse 24 sounds scary, but pairing it with v. 25 completes the picture. What is Jesus’ point here? Are we the haves or the have-nots?

4:26-29       Only Mark records this parable. What is the teaching here about the power of the Gospel message itself?

Do our labors contribute to the message’s effectiveness? Are they necessary?


4:30-34       What is Jesus saying about the work of the Gospel and the Church?

4:35-41    What new power of Jesus does this miracle convey?

Does fear indicate a lack of faith? Is it alright to be afraid at times?

The disciples still don’t seem to quite understand who Jesus is…

Monday, February 25 - Mark 3

Monday February 25th- Mark 3


3:1-6  Contrast Jesus’ main concern with the chief concern of the Pharisees. Who is truly keeping the intention of the Sabbath?


What angers Jesus in this passage?


 3:7-12     Why would Jesus command the evil spirits to be silent?


 3:13-19      Do any of these chosen 12 strike you as unexpected? Any that you feel don’t belong there?

3:20-30     Note the sad fact that Jesus’ own family did not believe in Him…

Someone commits the unforgivable sin in this passage? Who is it, and what is the Unforgivable Sin?

 Have you ever felt that we are living in a spiritual warzone?


3:31-35   What does Jesus say here about the Church, which is the Body of Christ? How are we to treat fellow believers?


Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013 - Mark 2

Friday February 22nd- Mark 2

2:1-12   This is the account of Jesus healing the paralytic who comes through the roof. Consider the persistence of the friends as you reflect on this account.

Why does Jesus heal the paralytic? To spite the Pharisees? Because of the man’s faith, or his friends’ faith? Some other reason?

What do we learn about Jesus from this passage? What resonates with you the most?

2:13-17    These verses record the calling of Levi, also known as Matthew.

What is unexpected about Jesus calling a tax collector to be one of His followers?

Have you ever had a health problem that required serious medical care? Do you think about sin in the same way?

2:18-22   These verses record the people questioning Jesus about fasting.

Who is the bridegroom in these verses? Is fasting abstinence from food, or something symbolic?

Think about the new patch on old garments. How does this match up with the attitudes of the Pharisees and disciples?

2:23-28    How would you describe Jesus’ relationship to the Sabbath?

Based on Jesus’ words, what is the point of the Sabbath day?

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

February 21, 2013 -- Mark 1

February 21, 2013 – Mark 1


Note: Very strong tradition tells us that Mark (known as John Mark in the Bible) wrote this Gospel while in Rome under the influence of the apostle Peter. The uniqueness of Mark's Gospel is in the "action" orientation of these sixteen chapters. It is the briefest of the Gospels and tends to move from event to event rather quickly.  Note how often Mark uses words and phrases such as “as soon as, at once, at this, and immediately” in his writing.

Mark does not begin his gospel with the birth of Jesus.  Why might that be?  Is the story of Jesus’ birth important to you?  Why?


1:1   The word gospel literally translates as “good news”

The name “Jesus” means “God saves”

“Christ” means “anointed one”  (the One set apart to be the Messiah)


What is the “good news” that Mark wants to tell his readers?  How has it been good news in your life? - focusing more on the things that Jesus did than what Jesus taught (which the other three Gospel writers did in greater detail).


1:4-8               What was the role of St. John?  How can one tell that he knew his place?  What is our place in proclaiming the Gospel?   How do people sometimes forget their place?


1:9-12:             Why was Jesus baptized?  Why does the Holy Spirit immediately lead Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan?  Is there any significance to the number 40?


1:14-20            The disciples left everything behind to follow Jesus.  Have you ever left anything behind in order to answer Jesus’ call to discipleship?

1:21-34            Why were the people amazed at Jesus’ teaching?  How was it different from other teachers?  How does Jesus back up His teaching in the things that He does?  Do you think there is such a thing as demon-possession today?


1:35                 Notice that Jesus takes time to pray between healing and teaching.  What does this teach you about dealing with the busyness of your life?  When do you take time to go off to a solitary place to be with God.


1:45                 Note what happens when people did not heed Jesus’ call to “keep silent” about some of His miracles.  Jesus knew what his mission was and did not want to be dissuaded from it.  What is your “mission” as God’s servant?  What might dissuade you from it?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 - Matthew 28

Wednesday, February 20, 2013  -   Matthew 28


Matthew is the only Gospel writer who records the posting of the guard at the tomb.  In this chapter he also give the report of the guards following Jesus’ resurrection. 


28:1-10            The guards were so afraid of the Angel of God that they shook and became like dead men?    What do you think they were afraid of?


What emotions would you expect from these women at the tomb?  What emotions do you feel as you read this chapter?


28:11-15    Why are the chief priests so desperate to stop the report of the Roman soldiers?   What does the failure of their plan tell you?


28:16-17          What events have inspired you to worship Jesus?  What has caused yout to doubt?  How have you overcome your doubts and continued to worship Him?


28:19-20          What is Jesus’ last command to His people?  The word “go” could also be translated “while you are going.”  What does that imply to you as you seek to fulfill this command?


28:20               What promise accompanies Jesus’ command?   What does that mean for you?   When have you felt the greatest need for the fulfillment of this promise?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 - Matthew 27

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 - Matthew 27


The occupying Romans had forbidden the Jews to carry out an execution.  Thus it was necessary for the Jews to bring Jesus before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of that region.  Only Pilate could give the command to have someone put to death.


27:1-10            What moves Judas to return his money and kill himself?   How do you think one who lived so long with Jesus could have so misunderstood who Jesus was?  Could Judas have been saved?  What do you think stood in his way?


Why didn’t the religious leaders want to take Judas’ money back?   Have you ever been motivated by guilt, but not enough to stop some wrong that you are involved with?



27:11-26   What evidences are there in the text that Pilate did not want to crucify Jesus?  What did Pilate do to try and avoid this evil?  Why didn’t he stand his ground and refuse?



How might you have felt about Jesus if you were Barabbas?  How is Barabbas like us?


Why do you think the crowd turned against Jesus?  Were they misled, disillusioned, angry?  Have you ever been disappointed with God’s actions?



27:46   In what way was Jesus abandoned by God?  Have you ever felt forsaken by God?  How were you reassured of His presence?


27:50-54:  What signs show that God is still at work in the crucifixion?  What do you think is the significance of the torn temple curtain in verse 51?



27:62-66     Why do the Jews want a guard at the tomb?    What were they afraid of?  How do you think their worst fears of a greater “deception” might be made even worse by the actual resurrection of Jesus?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Monday, February 18 - Matthew 26

Monday, February 18, 2013  -  Matthew 26

The Passover was a celebration which looked back to the greatest act of salvation in the Old Testament, the miraculous escape from Egypt.   An unblemished lamb gave his life, his blood was spread upon the doorframe, and the Angel of Death passed over the homes of those who acted in faith. 

Each year afterward, the Israelites celebrated this meal and remembered God’s great rescue.

26:1-5    Why is it significant that Jesus’ enemies plot His crucifixion at the time near the Passover festival?  What significance is there to the fact that Jesus knows this ahead of time?


26:6-13     In another Gospel, this woman is identified as Mary of Bethany – the sister of Martha and Lazarus.  Why do you think Mary did this to Jesus?   What words show that the disciples did not understand Jesus’ mission?


26:14-16:   Judas compromises his integrity and surrenders his Lord for 30 pieces of silver.  Can you think of a time when you dishonored (betrayed) the Lord for a different priority in your life?

26:17-30    How does Jesus transform this “remembrance meal” into something more?  How do you think the disciples understood His words, “Take, eat, this is my body.  Take, drink, this is my blood.”


All the disciples asked, “Is it I Lord?” when Jesus tells them of a betrayer.  In the end, all of them betrayed Him.  Peter, in particular, does not realize how he will deny Jesus.  How would you feel if you were Peter and vociferously declared that you would never deny Christ, and then you fail miserably?  Can you think of a time when you have failed Jesus?


26:36-56:     Jesus prayed often.  In this case, prayer helped to sustain Him through an extremely trying situation.  How has prayer supported you through trials in life?  Have you ever felt the special encouragement of knowing that others have joined you in prayer?


Why does Jesus allow Himself to be arrested in this fashion?  What does this tell you about Jesus?


Isn’t it ironic that the one entrusted with the Priesthood of Israel tortures and mocks Him who was our true High Priest?   How is Jesus the perfect Priest for you?

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday, February 15 - Matthew 25

Friday, February 15 - Matthew 25
The term talent was first used for a unit of weight - approximately 75 pounds.  Later it was used for a unit of coin.  A talent was equal to 60 minas;  a mina equaled 100 drachmas.  A drachma was worth one day's wages.  Our present day use of "talent" as an ability or gift comes from the parable of the talents in this chapter.
25:1-13:    What distinguishes the wise from the foolish virgins?  What does the oil represent in this parable?   How can we be sure to have enough "oil" to last until the return of Christ?  What does it mean to "keep watch" for the coming of Christ?
25:14-30:    What things has God entrusted to you?  To what degree are you using them?  For what purpose?    To whom are you accountable as you use the things God has entrusted to you?
25:29:   Have you ever been given "more" in recognition of good stewardship?  What have you done with this?  Have you ever misused one of God's gifts?
25:31-46:    What is the difference between the sheep and the goats?   How does Christ call you to help the hungry, thirsty, naked, sick or imprisoned?    Who can you help in this next week?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thursday, February 14 - Matthew 24

Thursday, February 14 - Matthew 24
Before Jesus leaves His followers, He cautions them and gives them signs that will indicate His return.   Throughout history, there have been those who have predicted the return of Christ.  Keep this in mind as you read Jesus' words.
Signs of the End
1)   24:4 - false prophets
2)   24:6 - wars and rumors of wars
3)   24:7 - famines and earthquakes
4)  24:9 - Christian persecution
5)  24:10 - a falling away from the faith (apostasy)
6)  24:12 - an increase in grows cold
7)  24:14 - the Gospel will be preached as testimony to the nations
8)  24:15 - the abomination that causes desolation (Antichrist) arises
9)  24:21 - great distress
10)  24:24 - false Messiahs
11)  24:30 - celestial disturbances
12)  24:30 -  Jesus comes in glory!!
24:36 -  Many have predicted the end, but it is clear that no one knows when this will occur.  How can we be ready for this day?  (hint:  FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST!!)
The example of the Flood is used to warn against unreadiness.  Are you ready for Christ's Judgment Day?

Sorry. Check the date.

I made an update to an earlier posting and this caused it to come to the top.  When you use the questions, please pay attention to the chapter referenced as they are now a bit out of order.  Sorry.

Also sorry for the late posting today.


Ash Wednesday - Matthew 23

Wednesday, February 13 - Ash Wednesday - Matthew 23
This chapter comprises a sharply worded discourse by Jesus, criticizing the religous practices and lifestyle of the Pharisees and Saducees, the religious leaders of Jesus' day. These words serve as a caution to all of us not to use religion as a basis for judging others or for lording one's position over others.
23:1-12 What is Jesus warning against in this section? The religious leaders created many rituals and extraneous laws which went beyond God's intentions. Does anyone do that today?
The religous leaders sometimes used their religion for "show" -- have you ever done this?
Who are those in our world today who see titles in prideful fashion? When have you experienced "greatness" by being the servant of others?
23:13-32 This section contains seven "woes". What does each "woe" warn against?
What does Jesus mean when He calls the religious leaders "whitewashed tombs?" (v. 27)
23:37-39 Note Jesus' deep love for His people despite their failings and faults. He years to gather them as a mother bird gathers her chicks. How are these words both a worning and a comfort?

Join us for church this evening at 7 pm.

Thursday, January 31 - Matthew 14

Thursday, January 31  -  Matthew 14



14:1-12            Anger and resentment will sometimes take people to extreme places.   Herodias hated John for pointing out her sin.  She takes extreme measures to get retribution.   Have you ever been so angry with someone that you wanted revenge?  How did it consume your spirit?


Herod makes a foolish oath to give Herodias’ daughter anything?  Have you ever promised something foolish?   How did it affect you?


14:13-21    This miracle is recorded in all four Gospels.  Why do you think this is such a significant moment in the eyes of the disciples?  What does it say about God’s ability to provide even in the hardest circumstances?  How might it have strengthened the disciples faith for the journey ahead?


14:22-32          At what point does Peter (whose name literally means “rock”)  begin to sink (like a “rock”)?   Think back on a time when you took your eyes off Jesus and began to sink?  How did Jesus bring rescue to you?


14:35-36     What does the behavior of the people reveal about their belief in Jesus?  What does it say about Jesus’ power?

Wednesday, February 13, 2013 - Matthew 23 (P)

Wednesday, February 13 -  Ash Wednesday - Matthew 23
This chapter comprises a sharply worded discourse by Jesus, criticizing the religous practices and lifestyle of the Pharisees and Saducees, the religious leaders of Jesus' day.  These words serve as a caution to all of us not to use religion as a basis for judging others or for lording one's position over others.
23:1-12   What is Jesus warning against in this section?   The religious leaders created many rituals and extraneous laws which went beyond God's intentions.  Does anyone do that today?
The religous leaders sometimes used their religion for "show" --  have you ever done this?
Who are those in our world today who see titles in prideful fashion?  When have you experienced "greatness" by being the servant of others?
23:13-32   This section contains seven "woes".   What does each "woe" warn against?
What does Jesus mean when He calls the religious leaders "whitewashed tombs?"  (v. 27)
23:37-39   Note Jesus' deep love for His people despite their failings and faults.  He years to gather them as a mother bird gathers her chicks.   How are these words both a worning and a comfort?

Join us for church this evening at 7 pm.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tuesday, February 12 - Matthew 22

Tuesday February 12th- Matthew 22


22: 1-14

This section describes a great banquet where the invited guests did not come. Did this ever happen to you? What did you do?


God invites all people to His wedding banquet, but not all come. Think about the far-reaching measure of God’s grace and how He has invited you.


Who is the man without wedding clothes? What does it say about the man that, though the master had wedding clothes, he did not bother to take them?




How is our responsibility to earthly government established by God? How does our earthly responsibility pale in comparison to our heavenly responsibility?


 Why would the Saducees, who do not believe in the resurrection of the dead, ask Jesus this question?


What does Jesus mean when He says, “they will be like the angels in heaven?” Does this mean we will have wings and fly?


If the resurrection does not focus around marriage, what is the focus? (see v. 32)


Jesus summarizes the Law by using the word “love.” To what extent is “love” an adequate summary of God’s Law? Can the Law be characterized as “loving?”

22: 41-46 

How can it be that Jesus is both the Son of David and the Lord of David? Think about the mystery of the incarnation, and ponder this question.

What attitude or conception of the Messiah do the people show in v. 42? Earthly king or heavenly king?

Monday, February 11, 2013--Matthew 21

Monday February 11th


Monday February 11th- Matthew 21



Jesus enters Jerusalem in a very lowly way. Why do you think He chose such an entrance, when He deserved the glory of a king?




Why were the chief priests and teachers angry when Jesus did these things? What was Jesus saying by His actions?




In cursing the fig tree, Jesus is teaching a lesson about not bearing fruit. What is the fruit that God requires of us?


What do Jesus’ words say about the power of prayer?




What is Jesus’ point in asking this question? Is He trying to trap the Pharisees, or teach them something?




This is a very clear condemnation of the Pharisees and their behavior. Think back to John and his message. What was their reaction to John? Has their reaction changed, now that Jesus is the main figure?




Identify the people in this parable. Who is the Son, and who are the tenants?


Jesus says clearly that the kingdom of God will be taken away from the Jews and given to someone else. Why is this happening? To whom is it given?



Thursday, February 7, 2013

Friday, February 8 - Matthew 20

Friday, February 8, 2013 – Matthew 20


Jesus shows that God has a different set of values and priorities than does the sinful, selfish human world.  God’s ways broaden our view and His Holy Spirit enables us to share in the work of reclaiming the world.


20:1-16:    What qualities of God does this parable reveal?    What human characteristics stand in contrast to this nature of God?    How does Jesus’ vision broaden your own vision when it comes to the concept of “grace?”


20:17-27    After Jesus predicts His death, the next line shows James and John’s mother making a request concerning their positions in the Messiah’s reign.   Consider the contrast.   


What is the relationship between “discipleships” and “servitude?”  Why was this a hard concept for the disciples to grasp?   How do you think Jesus’ death and resurrection will change their thinking?  How does it change your thinking in this regard?

20:29-34     Why do you think the blind men ask Jesus for “mercy?”  Why did the crowd rebuke them?  How did Jesus respond to the crowd’s rebuke?

 How have you shown mercy to others?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thursday, February 7 - Matthew 19

Thursday February 7th

19: 1-12     The Pharisees are trying to trap Jesus into contradicting the Law, and Jesus reaffirms the definition of marriage in this section. Who brings two people together in marriage? Who has the power to dissolve marriage?

 God allowed divorce among the people because of their hardness of heart. Does this mean that it was His will? What is the difference between God’s allowance of divorce and His willing of it?

Is it the will of God for every person to be married, based on this text?


19:13-15     What place do little children have in the kingdom of God?

 Does v. 14 tell us anything about our Lutheran practice of infant baptism?

19:16-30     The rich young man in this text claims to have kept all the commandments. Think about self-righteousness and the quest for salvation. Do you find yourself tending to rely on your own intuition, or do you trust God to save you?

 Jesus asks the man to do something really difficult: sell everything he has, give to the poor, and follow Him. Has anyone ever asked you to do something really difficult? What was it, and how did you respond?

 Does this text imply that it is impossible for rich men to be saved? (see vv. 24 and 26). What does Jesus mean by “a rich man?”

Wednesday, February 6 - Matthew 18

Wednesday, February 06, 2013 -  Matthew 18


18:1-9:             Jesus says that we must become like little children to really receive the kingdom of heaven.  What do you think it means to become like a child?  How have you done that?   What kinds of things prevent you from receiving Jesus like a little child?

18:7-10:           Jesus here speaks of radical discipleship – not so much actual human mutilation, but cutting off everything that hinders your “childlike” relationship with God.  What things might you need to cut out of your life if you are to fully follow Jesus?

18:10-14:   Who are the lost sheep in the world today?  How does Jesus send you to them?  Who is the “one sheep” in your personal world?  How have you reached out to him/her with the Gospel?

18:15-20:   In these verses Jesus talks of the importance of winning back a brother who has erred or strayed.  It encourages the believer to initiate reconciliation, and eventually in employing the Church to work together to lead the brother back to Christ.   Is there anyone who has wronged you?  How is God calling you to bring reconciliation?  Are you willing to forgive?

18:21-35    Jesus reminds the disciples of the incredible forgiveness that God offers to His people despite their continual failure.   Does a realization of this incredible forgiveness which God has given you help impel you to forgive others who have wronged you?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Tuesday, February 5 - Matthew 17

Tuesday February 5- Matthew 17   (Ryan's Questions)


17:1-13   This is the account of Jesus and His transfiguration. Peter, James, and John likely never forgot these events. Think about what this must have been like for them. Have you had an experience that you just can’t forget?

During the Transfiguration, a cloud appears and the voice of the Father declares Jesus’ divinity. Where have you seen this before in the New Testament? In the Old Testament?


Jesus tells Peter, James, and John not to tell anyone what they have seen until after the Son of Man has been raised from the dead. Why do you suppose that is? Have you ever had to keep a secret this big?


17:14-23When the father comes to Jesus and says that the disciples could not heal the boy, Jesus rebukes the generation for being unbelieving and perverse. What about the situation causes Jesus to say this? Does this apply to us today?


Jesus also talks in this section about faith, mustard seeds, and moving mountains. It is not the amount of faith that matters, but the quality of faith. How do you know that your faith is strong? Are there things you do to strengthen your faith?



17:24-27   In this section, Jesus talks about paying the tax so that He does not offend the tax collectors. The two-drachma tax was the annual temple tax required of all males. Why does Jesus say He is exempt? Are you careful to not offend others by your actions?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Monday, February 4 - Matthew 16

Matthew 16 -  Monday, Febrary 4


16:1-4              Jesus refused to give a sign to those who sought it as a test.  Why do you think He is especially angered by these Saducees?   Have you ever asked God to send you a sign?   How did the reception of a sign or the lack of one affect your faith?


16:5-12:           What do you think was dangerous about the teaching of the Pharisees and Saducees?  How is yeast a good example of how little deviations can affect something dramatically?

16:13-20:   Jesus is direct in His questioning of the disciples.  “Who do YOU say I am?” he asks.  Peter, moved by the Holy Spirit, gives a meaningful confession of Jesus as Messiah.   When did you first come to believe in Jesus as the Savior of the world?   Have you ever confessed Him before a hostile crowd?

16:21-28:     Shortly after Jesus praises Peter’s confession, He says to Peter, “Get behind me Satan, you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”   How were Peter’s comments reflective of Satan’s temptation of Jesus?   How is the “easy way out” a temptation for every Christian?

What does it mean, to “take up one’s cross?”  How is a Christian called to “deny himself?”

Friday, February 1, 2013

Friday, February 1 - Matthew 15

Friday, February 01, 2013 -  Matthew 15


After they were in exile in Babylon for seventy years, the Jewish priests began to make detailed regulations concerning the daily life of the people.  These regulations determined what made a person unclean, requiring certain sacrifices in the temple to receive God’s forgiveness.



15:8, 18:  After the Pharisees challenge Jesus, he turns the tables by challenging them.  In these verses he makes a distinction between the words and actions of people and what is in their hearts.  If you rated the cleanliness of your heart, how is your relationship with God?  Do your actions reveal to others how you feel about Him?



15:21-28:  How did you react to reading Jesus first response to the Canaanite woman’s request for help?   Why do you think He spoke to her in this way?  How do you feel about her response to Jesus?  What lesson does this story teach?



15:29-31:   People were amazed when they saw the results of Jesus’ healing on the crowds.  What things have you seen God do in people’s lives that have amazed you?   What amazing thing has God done in your life?




15:32-39:    When you consider the miracles of Jesus that are recorded in the Scriptures, does it change your thinking about the possibility of the unbelievable happening in your life or at our church?