Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 5: Friday, January 18. Matthew 5

Friday, January 18 -  Matthew 5
Matthew 5:1-7:29 is a well-known as Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount."  It's point is to help the Israelites realize that true blessedness is found in a relationship to God.  This relationship will not be based on holy living, nor ethnic background.  Neither of these can make one right before God.  It will instead be based on Him who came to keep the law perfectly for us and to pay the price for our sin.
5:1-12:  This familiar section is called the Beatitudes  How do these "attitudes" reflect the unconditional love of God?  How do they differ from the world's view of "blessed?"
"poor in spirit" is the maperson who, by the power of God's Spirit, is able to lay down in abeyance his own human spirit -- to let go, and to put His trust -- all his trust ~ in the tender care of God.
"those who mourn"refers to the person whose heart is mourning, broken, hurting for the world's suffering and its sin and its lost condition. 
"meek" is the man who has his instincts, impulses and passions under control because he himself is controlled by God and realizes his own weakness.

"those who hunger and thirst for righteousness" is the one who wants nothing more than to do the right thing. To reach out to those with needs. To bring the truth to those who live in darkness. To bring justice to those being unjustly treated.

 "merciful." is the person who gets right inside other people until he can see with their eyes, think with their thoughts, feel with their feelings. A truly empathetic person who compassionately touches the lives of others.

"pure in heart." is the person whose has pure motives for the things he does. Who doesn't do them looking for pats on the back or admiration or compensation. But does them simply because they are the right things to do.

"the peacemakers,"  is the person who, by God's power, is able to produce right relationships between people.  He can see through conflict and hurt feelings and broken brothers and help them see the way of repair.

"those who are persecuted for righteousness sake is the person who, by God's power, can rejoice in persecution because he recognizes that God can use such things to mold his character and shape his being. He sees good in evil situations.

5:14-16:   How does a person let his light shine in the darkness?  How are Christians called to bring the light to places throughout the world?

5:43-48:  Who are those whom you have trouble loving?  How can Jesus help you to love and pray for them?


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