Monday, January 28, 2013

January 28, 2013 - Matthew 11

Monday, January 28 - Matthew 11

Read Matthew 11 here, if you wish:

John the Baptist had a two-pronged role.  1)  He called the people to repentance and a genuine faith-life and   2)  he prepared the way for the Messiah to come.


Both of these threatened the power of the leadership of the day, so John was arrested and put into prison. 



11:1-6   How did John probably expect the Messiah to act?   How does Jesus answer his question about whether He is genuinely the Messiah?  Why do you think Jesus didn’t answer the question directly?



11:7-15    In one sense, these words of Jesus might be considered a funeral sermon for John  (Matthew 14:1-12 records John’s execution.) 


How did John fulfill Old Testament prophecy?  What new era did John usher in?


The coming of Elijah is prophesied in Malachi 4:5-6. 

5 “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. 6 He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.”


How did John accomplish this?  Why does this make him great?   In what was is he “least?”



When have you had doubts about Jesus?   What questions would you have liked to ask Him?


11:20-24:   Jesus did miracles in the cities mentioned, but people did not recognize Him as Messiah?   Does God hold us accountable for recognizing His hand at work?  Do we always attribute today’s miracles to Him?



11:25-30   What burden is making you weary in these days?   Have you turned this burden over to Jesus?


  1. Please note. To add a comment simply type in the box below. To publish it without creating an account, simply scroll down in the "Comment As" box (below the blank box) until you see "Anonymous." After selecting this, then click "publish."

    Pastor H.

  2. It's so easy to diss faith failures of Jesus' disciples, but remember, they hadn't experienced the Resurrection yet, and we, who live post- Resurrection, still require regular Faith-lifts.


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