Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thursday, January 24, Matthew 9

Thursday, January 24
Matthew was a tax colledtor who worked for the Roman government which had occupied Israel.  Often these tax collectors cheated the people in order to line their own pockets. 
9:1-9    Jesus reads the thoughts of His critics.  Is it initmidating to know that God knows your every thought?  Is there some comfort in knowing He knows everything about you?
Why might Jesus have chosen someone like Matthew to be a disciple?   Why might Matthew have responded eagerly to Jesus' calling?   How do you feel about Jesus' desire to employ you as His disciple? 
9:14-17  The Pharisees had expanded Old Testament rules and rituals and had a whole set of expectations for God's people which were not from God.   What rites and rituals have people today added to God's commands?  Have any of these affected you?
9:18-25   A dead girl is raised, and Jesus characterizes death as "sleep."  How is this a beautiful image for a believer to grab hold of as we consider our own end?
9:36:  What people do you see today who are "likie sheep without a shepherd?"  How is Jesus sending you to help the lost sheep?  What gifts has God given you to use inthis work?  How are you using them?
9:37-38  Jesus declares that the "harvest is plentiful."  Were are you encountering people who do not know Jesus?  How is He equiping you for the challenge?  Are you praying for these people?

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