Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mark 11 - March 7, 2013

March 7, 2013 - Day 39 - Mark 11
An important theme in Mark's gospel is that Jesus' death was his own will, that He was not a helpless victim to the powerful Romans.  Keep this in mind as you read the next few chapters which record the final week of Jesus' life before the crucifixion.
11:1-6    Note Jesus' omniscence - He tells His disciples what they will find in Jerusalem, and things take place exactly as He said.   What has Jesus revealed to us about the future?   What confidence does this give us?
11:10    For what kind of kingdom were the people in Jerusalem looking?   What kind of kingdom was Jesus offering?   How would you personally define the "kingdom of God?"
11:12-18     Pilgrims coming from great distances would need to change their foreign currency and purchase animals for the temple sacrifice  The moneychangers and sellers charged unfairly high fees. 
Would Jesus' action against the moneychangers have made him more or less popular?   Might people have felt differently about it depending on how they felt about religion?   Can a church get caught up in buying and selling?  In what way?  What might Jesus want to overturn in your life to cleanse you?
Why were the chief priests and teachers of the law afraid of Jesus?
11:20-26    How did the dried up fig tree represent the city of Jerusalem and its faith?
11:24    Why is it important to believe that God will answer our prayers?   Why is it important to approach God with a heart that forgives those who have hurt us?
11:27-33   The religious leaders question Jesus' authority.   Jesus challenges their question with a question of His own, and soon they walk away not knowing what to say.   What might Jesus say to us when we question why He permits certain things to happen or acts in ways contrary to our thinking?

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