Sunday, March 17, 2013

Monday, March 18 - Luke 2 (From Ryan)

Monday March 18th- Luke 2

Why do you think Luke includes the historical context that he chooses to use?


Bethlehem is the city of David. What about Jesus makes us think back to the greatest earthly king of Israel?


Why announce the message to shepherds? Why not kings and queens? Why not Herod, the king of the Jews?


Imagine how awesome this announcement was. If you were a shepherd and this happened to you, what is your reaction?


Note Simeon’s sense of peace in his impending death. Why can he be so peaceful at this end of his life? Can we have the same peace?


How will Jesus cause the falling and rising of many in Israel? What is Simeon talking about?


Verse 52 says that Jesus grew in many ways. Is this something you think about? Jesus grew up just like you and I did.

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