Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15th - Mark 16 (from Ryan)

Friday March 15th- Luke 1

Luke, being a Gentile, was not present when these things occurred. He says in his introduction that he consulted many eyewitnesses in order to write this account. We know that Luke was a physician and a very well-educated man, which is reflected in his unique vocabulary.


It’s very easy to be like Zechariah in unbelief when we are presented with God’s graciousness. In what way can we too be Marys, who say “May it be to me, as you have said?”


Compare and contrast the prophecies about John and Jesus, as well as the account of the announcements and births. What is similar, and what is different?


What does it mean for John to go “in the spirit and power of Elijah?”


Notice that Elizabeth, through the Spirit, recognizes the incarnate Christ almost immediately after the Announcement by the angel.


Examine Mary’s song, the Magnificat. Who is it addressed to? Who/what does it talk about?


Examine Zechariah’s song, the Benedictus. What does Zechariah say about his son’s role in the salvation plan?


Where does John live before he preaches the coming of Christ? Is there symbolism in that?

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