Sunday, February 17, 2013

Monday, February 18 - Matthew 26

Monday, February 18, 2013  -  Matthew 26

The Passover was a celebration which looked back to the greatest act of salvation in the Old Testament, the miraculous escape from Egypt.   An unblemished lamb gave his life, his blood was spread upon the doorframe, and the Angel of Death passed over the homes of those who acted in faith. 

Each year afterward, the Israelites celebrated this meal and remembered God’s great rescue.

26:1-5    Why is it significant that Jesus’ enemies plot His crucifixion at the time near the Passover festival?  What significance is there to the fact that Jesus knows this ahead of time?


26:6-13     In another Gospel, this woman is identified as Mary of Bethany – the sister of Martha and Lazarus.  Why do you think Mary did this to Jesus?   What words show that the disciples did not understand Jesus’ mission?


26:14-16:   Judas compromises his integrity and surrenders his Lord for 30 pieces of silver.  Can you think of a time when you dishonored (betrayed) the Lord for a different priority in your life?

26:17-30    How does Jesus transform this “remembrance meal” into something more?  How do you think the disciples understood His words, “Take, eat, this is my body.  Take, drink, this is my blood.”


All the disciples asked, “Is it I Lord?” when Jesus tells them of a betrayer.  In the end, all of them betrayed Him.  Peter, in particular, does not realize how he will deny Jesus.  How would you feel if you were Peter and vociferously declared that you would never deny Christ, and then you fail miserably?  Can you think of a time when you have failed Jesus?


26:36-56:     Jesus prayed often.  In this case, prayer helped to sustain Him through an extremely trying situation.  How has prayer supported you through trials in life?  Have you ever felt the special encouragement of knowing that others have joined you in prayer?


Why does Jesus allow Himself to be arrested in this fashion?  What does this tell you about Jesus?


Isn’t it ironic that the one entrusted with the Priesthood of Israel tortures and mocks Him who was our true High Priest?   How is Jesus the perfect Priest for you?

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