Thursday, February 28 - Mark 6
Mark's gtospel is written primarily to the Romans, the most powerful empire in the world at the time of Christ. The Romans would be impressed with the power of Jesus, as Mark fcuses on His miracles and authoritative teachings.
What qualities or charateristics of Jesus do you find in these narratives? Would these impress the citizens of the great Roman Empire? What do they say to you?
6:1-6 The question about Jesus being a carpenter implies that a common worker could not have anything of value to say on his own. Do you agree? Have you known any common workers who had faith-building gifts to share?
6:7-11 Why did Jesus send the disciples in pairs? Why do you think He told them to take nothing for the journey? What lesson would they learn from this? How might this apply to Christian congregations/
6:14-29 John the Baptist lost his head for preaching the law to Herod and Herodius. Why do people get angry at the law of God and the ones who proclaim it? Have you ever been mad at God's desires when they came in conflict with yours?
6:30-44 Why do you think Jesus created leftovers (v. 43)? What did He teach the crowds by performing this incredible miracle? What might they do with their leftovers in the future?
6:45ff "Take courage, it is I." Jesus enters the scene in a startling way. Have you ever seen an impossible situation in front of you and found comfort in words like these? When?